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General Questions
How does SignalPET® work?
SignalPET® uses state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms. These algorithms are based on hundreds of thousands of veterinary radiographs that have been annotated and reviewed for specific normals and abnormals.
Once SignalPET® is installed on your radiograph machine, the images will automatically be sent to SignalPET®. These images will then go through our machine learning process to identify normalities and abnormalities in the image and go through a quality control process including a veterinarian review. Once the process has been completed, you will see the radiographic test results appear in real-time in your clinic in less than 10 minutes. You will then be able to concur with the SignalPET® test results and generate your own personal reports for your clients that include your assessments, plans, and notes.
How do I configure my machine to send studies to SignalPET®?
In your SignalPET® demo, your sales representative will remote connect to your computer using Connectwise. If you need any additional support at any point, our tech team will be in touch to help.
After the demo, our tech team will go in using the existing Connectwise connection and complete your machine configuration.
This process usually takes about 5-10 minutes and is handled by our team.
Are there any setup costs?
No. SignalPET® does not have any hardware costs, software cost, set up cost, tech support cost, or contracts.
Do I get charged if the SignalRAY™ study is not a dog or cat?
SignalPET® is formulated for companion animals.
SignalPET® does not charge the customer for studies of anything other than canine or feline radiographic studies.
Do I get notified after the study is processed?
Yes! All test results will be emailed to you after the study is processed.
More Questions
How is SignalSTAT working?
SignalSTAT represents a pioneering radiograph interpretation service that harmonizes the finesse of human expertise with cutting-edge technology to provide optimal interpretations, assessments, and suggested treatment plans. SignalPET continues to offer unparalleled care for companion animals, all at an affordable cost and with an unmatched speed of results. Currently, SignalSTAT stands at the forefront of revolutionizing the field with unmatched speed and accuracy, ensuring that each patient reaps the complete advantages of radiographic films.
- Offer:
- We are excited to present our STAT radiograph interpretation service.
- Cost?
Starting at 1150 SEK per study, ( min 5 STATS you get a comprehensive package with no hidden fees. AI inclusion is an integral part of this service.
As an admin, you can purchase STAT credits by yourself from the billing page and start using the STAT service
In addition, auto-renew is turned on by default when purchasing credits. This means that when the credit balance reaches 0, your balance will be updated with new credits according to the amount of credits you purchased. However, you have the option to turn off or cancel the auto-renew feature.- Turnaround time:
1-hour turnaround commitment
- How is this Achieved? What sets us apart?
SignalPET's advancement in care quality is rooted in technological innovation. We employ state-of-the-art technology coupled with advanced quality control measures to deliver swift and accurate STAT results backed by academic research.
- Is this comparable to radiology reviews? Who performs the film reviews?
This is beyond a traditional radiology review. Our framework is crafted by specialists—radiologists, cardiologists, internists, and critical care experts. Each report is meticulously examined by recognized professionals in the field or experts trained by SignalPET and tested against gold standards.
- Is that for 100% of the cases?
Given the need for clinical case history and tailored questions, complete automation is yet to be available at present. Nonetheless, we strongly recommend considering automation as a practice policy for enhanced efficiency.
- Can I do SignalSTAT without SignalRAY
Actually, we only offer that option if all the cases are being read. The system is designed to work in a certain way. We advance medicine by providing the instant results of the x-ray and escalating 10%-20% of the cases to the STAT review.
- What should I do if the accuracy of your report is in question?
There should not be cases like that. However, if you have a follow-up question, you can use our medical chat, a follow-up mechanism, or call our support team.
- What should I do if I need further information after receiving the report?
Our support team is second to none and operates 24/7. You have many options to reach out to us. 1) The medical chat is available 24/7, 2) Via our support desk over email and phone 3) Through follow-up mechanism questions on the SignalPET application.
- Is it AI or Human?
SignalSTAT reports are synergistically built by a unique blend of AI and human expertise, seamlessly integrating cutting-edge technology with expert oversight throughout the process.
- Offer:
What are SignalRAY’s current capabilities?
SignalRAY's patented technology uses machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to assess radiographs in real-time for normals and abnormals on specific tests to aid practitioners in the diagnostic process.
A simple analogy is how we currently look at bloodwork. For example, if you run a chem 22 blood work panel, which has 22 specific tests on the rotor, the machine sends back normal/abnormal results.
Our technology does the exact same thing for radiographic findings in 10 minutes or less 24/7, 365 utilizing the current radiology technology in your practice.
SignalRAY's current test panels are designed to address the most common reasons radiographs are needed for companion animals – vomiting, coughing, diarrhoea, and lameness. Our 50+ currently supported test panels were chosen specifically to provide clinicians with decision-making support for over 80% of routine radiographic findings in GP and emergency practitioners in those most common cases.
You can see a complete list of the 50+ test panels currently supported by SignalRAY's AI below:
How does SignalCHAT work?
When you wish to chat with one of our medical experts:
Log in to the SignalPET application, select the study, then click the Chatsymbol button on the lower left of the screen.
You can start chatting as a chat box will appear on the bottom left corner of your screen.
Product Guide For SignalPET
Discover In-Depth Insights and How-Tos in Our PDF Guide
What are the payment options?
PetScan invoices are sent via email and can be paid using a credit card, check, or bank transfer. The invoice period runs from the 1st to the end of each month.