Case Study 

Meet Julia Larsson, COO at Lappland Animal Clinic, as she discusses their utilization of SignalPET's services. PetScan have been working with Lappland Animal Clinic since September 2023, growing from a single clinic to 12 clinics at diffrent locations. Lappland Animal clinic now benefit from our full range of comprehensive suite of services, including SignalRAY, SignalSMILE, SignalCHAT and our external reading service SignalSTAT.



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Patient visit per year 
X-ray images processed through SignalPET services each month
12 clinics from North to South

Operations per year


CHALLENGE - Managing

thousens of x-ray exams monthly.

SignalRAY provides veterinarians at Lappland Animal Clinic with an additional layer of review for X-ray studies, effectively serving as a "second set of eyes." SignalRAY technology operates with impressive speed, generating a comprehensive report within 3-5 minutes. As a result, veterinarians at Lappland Animal Clinic can free up more time for others DVM colleagues, allowing them to see more patients. The efficiency gained from this investment is significant, concurrently improving the overall quality of care for both patients and pet owners, as the results can be handled before the patient leaves the clinic.


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Time is crucial

Gain access to a team of specialists—including certified board radiologists, cardiologists, neurologists, and internal medicine experts—available 24/7, 365 days a year, with a rapid 45-minute response time. For critical cases, this offers Lappland Animal Clinics unprecedented quality of care, where the speed of recommendations and next steps from a team of specialists could mean the difference between life and death.



SignalSMILE is helping to facilitate efficient dental X-rays at Lapplands Animal Clinic.

Within 4-5 minutes, SignalSMILE provides the veterinarian with a full report of the X-ray exam. By utilizing it alongside before and after studies, they can rest assured that everything looks good. A complete report with images can easily be sent via email or as a printed document, showing the pet owner what has been done and what next steps are required. SignalSMILE saves time on administrative work and enhances the quality of care.

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A Certified DVM available 24/7, 365 days a year—included in our solution for free!

SignalCHAT helps Lapplands Animal Clinics' DVMs answer any medical questions related to SignalRAY, SignalSMILE, or any technical issues. This service is included for free and is available 24/7, 365 days a year. It's like having an extra colleague at work!

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SignalPET is the leading AI + HI solution, helping thousands of clinicians every day!

Every day, SignalPET's leading services for X-ray interpretation, powered by AI and Human Intelligence (HI), assist clinicians in making better diagnostics and improving the quality of care. This results in a more efficient workflow, allowing more time to treat additional patients.

Get started with a 2-week free trial today!

Enjoy SignalRAY, SignalSMILE, and SignalCHAT with 2 credit reports for SignalSTAT!